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What does Phase 2 of Singapore's reopening mean and its implications on home seekers?

Singapore will move into Phase Two of Circuit Breaker easing on 19 June 2020, as announced by Singapore's Multi-Ministry Taskforce. The announcement came as community infection rates generally remained stable and cases among migrant workers in dormitories have also steadily declined. There are also no new large clusters emerging.

Even as more businesses can resume, the public has been advised to limit

close contact amongst individuals, whilst maintaining hygiene and safe

distancing measures.

These safe distancing principles will apply for all activities that are allowed to resume in Phase 2:

  • Ensure safe distancing of at least one metre

  • If safe distancing is not feasible, the one metre requirement must be maintained between groups of not more than 5 people. There should also be no mixing between groups. This applies to small-group of social gatherings and households, who may receive up to five visitors at any one time.

Activities that can resume in Phase 2 are:

  • Retail businesses with physical outlets

  • Dining-in at F&B outlets (though live music, television and video screenings

  • are still prohibited in phase 2)

  • Personal health and wellness activities

  • Home-based services

  • Tuition and other private enrichment classes with the exception of singing and voice training classes

  • Sports, parks and other public facilities. These include playgrounds, beaches, swimming complexes, sports halls, gyms and fitness studios, function rooms, and similar facilities in private condominiums and clubs

  • Registered clubs and societies at their registered premises

  • All healthcare services, including face-to-face visits at residential facilities for the elderly, although safe distancing and precautionary measures will be put in place

  • Operators of larger public venues such as malls and large standalone retail outlets should have measures in place to restrict capacity and prevent crowds or long queues forming. Specific rules will apply to the following events:

  • Weddings: Solemnisations at home, Registry of Marriages (ROM) and Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM), may take place with up to ten people, excluding the solemnizer. At other venues, they may take place with up to twenty people, excluding the solemnizer.

  • Wakes and funerals: Not more than twenty people may be present at any one time (in phase one it was not more than 10 people)

  • Schools and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs): Students will return to school daily from 29 June 2020. IHLs will gradually increase the number of students back on campus for face-to-face learning

Businesses and activities that cannot resume in Phase 2 are:

  • Religious services and congregations

  • Large cultural venues such as libraries and museums

  • Large-scale events and venues, such as conferences, exhibitions, concerts and trade fairs

  • Entertainment venues such as bars, nightclubs, karaoke outlets, cinemas, theatres, as well as indoor and outdoor attractions

For the property market, there is good news. In an announcement by the Council for

Estate Agencies (CEA), it is confirmed that property transactions can resume,

new condo showflats can re-open and physical viewings are allowed. But it will not be “business as usual” as the below safety measures are put in place which are aligned with the general hygiene and safe management principles set by the Multi-Ministry Taskforce:

  • Masks are to be worn at all times

  • Safe distancing of 1m between people

  • If feeling unwell, do not go out, instead, do consult a doctor

And if you are thinking of visiting a new launch showflat, contact tracing

procedures will be strictly enforced. Safe distancing rules need to followed and

there must not be more than 5 people present each time. Also, take note that

there will not be any physical brochures/documents available. These will be

made available electronically.

For transaction documents, electronic signatures are encouraged but you are

allowed to sign in person if you prefer. As a general rule, electronic signatures

may be used for tenancy agreements, sale & purchase agreement and option

to purchase although the Housing and Development Board (HDB) requires

exercise of option to be done in person. It’s best to check with your agent on

what is the best procedure. You can view the complete list of property

transaction activities allowed in the CEA press release.

While showflats will reopen this weekend, any new launches will only

happen from July at the earliest as developers will need time to plan and implement their marketing activities, given the weak economic climate.


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