When going home shopping, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of buying all the fancy furniture and cute home accessories that you see. However, being a wise spender who maintains a home means that you will need to exert some extra effort in keeping your expenses to the minimum. After all - there’s a house to maintain, some bills to pay, and well, a life to live!
While you could save a lot of money by choosing not to buy luxury items and knowing which shops could give you great bargains, you should also know which of these home essentials are worth splurging hard-earned money on and which ones are worth keeping the extra penny.

via kohls
Mattress: Splurge
Quality rest is everything. After all, the main purpose of our homes is to be our resting place at the end of a long day. Our mattresses are where we lay down for at least 6-8 hours each night to get some sleep, rejuvenate our bodies, and set our minds free from trouble. The quality of rest that we get affects our overall mood, and getting poor quality of rest for long periods of time is a set-up for complete disaster. Don’t underestimate the power of the sleeping mattress, and go splurge on the best one you could find!

via potterybarn
Dinnerware: Save and Splurge
If you like cooking and eating at home, your dinnerware is something that is constantly taken out, washed, dried, and then used again. With this, inevitable accidents like broken plates and glasses could happen. These items are also prone to damage because of the frequency of use, so buy dinnerware that are relatively cheap for daily usage.
However, we also recommend having a couple of expensive dinnerware you should splurge on, to be taken out only when there are special occasions like anniversaries or birthday dinners. Buy those antique Chinas, but hide them in a safe place when they’re not needed.

via caitlinwilson
Fixtures: Splurge
When we say fixtures - we mean everything from your house lights, to your faucets, to your locks, doorknobs, and shower heads. These are some of the things in your house that are most often overlooked and not paid great attention to, but they are also among the most important. These things should be sturdy enough to last you many years, as they are constantly and heavily utilised! You wouldn’t want to deal with leaking faucets and broken knobs every three months, right? Oh, and don’t forget: Safety should be your top priority, so make sure you invest in high-quality locks.

via cotemaison
Tables: Save and Splurge
When setting up your house furniture, you will most probably buy a couple of tables for different purposes. You will have a dining table, a working table, a side table, etc.
Some of them will be more heavily used than the others, hence the need to be more sturdy and long lasting. A fine dining table set, for example – is totally worth the splurge. You will be using for years, and can even be passed on to the next generation. However, you can opt to save for the other pieces like your bedside table and accent tables. If you are very keen on spending - You can even have a multiple-purpose table custom made for much less!

via honestly
Decorations: Save
If you are after aesthetically pleasing decor, you can buy a lot of these at your neighbourhood art shop, and they won’t cost you a fortune. You can also do a fast search on Google and you will see so many DIY tutorials available online that you could follow. Making your own decor can not only save you a lot of money, but also bring fulfilment as you create your own masterpiece and proudly hang it up on the wall.
If you decide on getting art from professional artists, consider buying from the younger ones. The prices of their works will get higher over the years, and you will also help them get their name out there and start their career in art. Consider this your investment.