The recently imposed circuit breaker has changed the way of life for all Singaporeans. We are required to work from home, schools are closed and home based learning implemented, social gatherings banned, even amongst families who are not staying in the same address.
But one thing is certain, we all need a roof over our heads. So property hunting will have to continue. Young couples getting married are looking for their first home and savvy investors bargain hunting for their next investment. But with property viewings not allowed and new condo showflats closed, deciding on whether a property is to your liking can be rather tricky.
Hence, a V360 virtual tour is really the answer. You can view the interior of a property without leaving the comfort of your couch. The video takes you on a virtual tour of your desired property. You can practically see every nook and cranny of the house as you can zoom in to have a closer look at any part. It’s just like you are actually in the property!
CEL, developer of Kopar At Newton recently launched its latest project by making use of this technology. As the showflat was closed due to the circuit breaker measures, potential buyers of the property were able to view the different layouts and designs by viewing the virtual tours. This resulted in a total sales of 77 units all done virtually.
View how virtual tours can work for you as a home owner now. In addition to virtual tours, you can zoom in on your desired property by using our geospatial search function that allows you to define your criteria and locate them within seconds without having to scroll through tons of listings that are often not what you are looking for.
Here are some tips on how to use V360 virtual tours effectively if you are a seller:
Tidy up your place! You don’t want your place to be captured in all it’s messy glory do you.
Open all doors and windows to let light in. No one wants to see a dark and gloomy place.
If possible, engage a professional to do a staging to bring out the best in your home.
For agents, the use of virtual tours can greatly enhance your marketing presence and branding and at the same time, speed up the closing process. It is also very cost effective and can be used in a variety of digital platforms. This has helped Marcus Ong, one of our elite agents in Property Concierge. Stay tuned for his success story to be featured.
If you want to find out more on how to use virtual tours as part of your marketing strategy and enhance your branding, kindly contact our account managers via sales @mogul.sg for a non-obligatory discussion.